2014年3月28日 星期五

Yi, J. S., Kang, Y. A., Stasko, J. T., & Jacko, J. A. (2008, April). Understanding and characterizing insights: how do people gain insights using information visualization?. In Proceedings of the 2008 Workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization (p. 4). ACM.

Yi, J. S., Kang, Y. A., Stasko, J. T., & Jacko, J. A. (2008, April). Understanding and characterizing insights: how do people gain insights using information visualization?. In Proceedings of the 2008 Workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization (p. 4). ACM.

information visualization

洞悉經常被認為是資訊視覺化的結果,但獲得洞悉的過程仍無法被了解,目前資訊視覺化的文獻將獲得洞悉的過程分為四類(提供全貌、調整、偵測樣式、比對心智模式),這些過程提供了一些瞭解。Saraiya et al. [23]認為洞悉是觀察資料後的一個發現,可分為以下的四種情形:全貌(overview)、樣式(patterns)、群組(groups)以及細節(details)。North [16] 提出複雜(complex)、深入(deep)、質性(qualitative)、不可預期(unexpected)和相關(relevant)是洞悉的特性。本研究援引 Pirolli and Card [17]認為洞察為意義建構(sense-making)的一個部分,而意義建構如Klein et al. (p.71) [11]所定義之為有動機且持續的努力來了解人事間的連結,藉以預測它們進行的軌道(trajectories)與有效地行動。基於此一定義,意義建構有如下的現象:首先,意義建構的過程是周而復始的循環(cyclic and iterative);其次,意義建構不只是發現的過程,更是創造的過程;最後,意義建構是回溯的(retrospective),人們通常先建構一個架構,然後回溯地蒐集相關資料,並將它放到架構上,如果蒐集的資料與架構相符合,這個架構便獲得確定,否則人們會感到困惑,會捨棄、更正或取代原先的架構,來解釋新的資訊。Klein et al. [11]用Figure 1來說明上述的特性。

1) 概觀(overview):概觀描述人們對整個資料集合進行全盤了解的過程,能夠提供人們掌握已知與未知的事務、發現值得進一步探索的區域以及此一資料集合可以供新知的範圍。
2) 調整(adjust):調整描述人們在探索資料集合時的過程調整抽象層級(the level of abstraction)與選取範圍(the range of selection)的過程。在探索大量資料時,運用選取功能可以進行過濾;群集(grouping)的功能可以聚集、簡化、組織和標示相關資料,使得大量資料能夠進行管理。
3) 偵測樣式(detect pattern):偵測樣式表示發現資料集合內的特定分布、趨勢、頻率、離群(outliers)與結構。
4) 比對心智模式(match mental model):資訊視覺化能夠降低了解時的認知負荷(cognitive load),增強現有事物的再認知(recognition),並且將呈現的視覺資訊與實際的知識連結起來。

We found that: 1) Insights are often regarded as end results of using InfoVis and the procedures to gain insight have been largely veiled;
2) Four largely distinctive processes of gaining insight (Provide Overview, Adjust, Detect Pattern, and Match Mental Model) have been discussed in the InfoVis literature;
and 3) These different processes provide some hints to understand the procedures in which insight can be gained from InfoVis.

Saraiya et al. [23] have conducted insight-based evaluation studies in the domain of biology (analyzing biological pathways and micro-array data), and they define insight as “an individual observation about the data by the participant, a unit of discovery” (p. 444).

They (Saraiya et al. [23]) further group insights found in the context of bioinformatics into four different categories: overview (overall distributions of gene expression), patterns (identification or comparison across data attributes), groups (identification or comparison of groups of genes), and details (focused information about specific genes). (p. 445).

North [16] describes characteristics of insight as follows (p. 6):
Complex. Insight is complex, involving all or large amounts of the given data in a synergistic way, not simply individual data values.
Deep. Insight builds up over time, accumulating and building on itself to create depth. Insight often generates further questions and, hence, further insight.
Qualitative. Insight is not exact, can be uncertain and subjective, and can have multiple levels of resolution.
Unexpected. Insight is often unpredictable, serendipitous, and creative.
Relevant. Insight is deeply embedded in the data domain, connecting the data to existing domain knowledge and giving it relevant meaning. It goes beyond dry data analysis, to relevant domain impact.

Sensemaking clearly begets insights as shown in the model of sensemaking (Information -> Scheme -> Insight -> Product) proposed by Pirolli and Card [17].

Sensemaking simply can be defined as “making sense of things” or, drawing from Klein et al. (p.71) [11], more comprehensively described as “a motivated, continuous effort to understand connections (which can be among people, places, and events) in order to anticipate their trajectories and act effectively.”

First, sensemaking procedures are cyclic and iterative. Russell et al. [22] describe the sensemaking procedure using Learning Loop Complex theory, which consists of 1) search for representations (generation loop), 2) instantiate representations (data coverage loop), 3) shift representations. As the name of their theory illustrates, the process of sensemaking is iterative in collecting data and re-generating a representation or scheme.

Second, sensemaking is not only a discovery procedure, but also a creation procedure. Weick [32], an organizational theorist, emphasized this notion of creation by providing a very clear distinction between interpretation and sensemaking. Weick argues that interpretation is a component of sensemaking, and states “the act of interpreting implies that something is there, a text in the world, waiting to be discovered or approximated. Sensemaking, however, is less about discovery than it is about invention” (p.13).

Third, sensemaking is retrospective. Literature in various contexts (e.g., [7,32]) supports that people often do not make sense of things after collecting information first. Instead, people often construct a framework first and retrospectively collect the relevant information and place it into the framework. If the collected information fits well with the framework, the framework is confirmed. However, if it does not, people become puzzled, and the framework could be discarded, updated, or replaced to explainthe new information.

These characteristics are well summarized by the Data/Frame Theory of sensemaking of Klein et al. [12].

Insight is not only an end result or simple discovery of hidden truth, but also an intermediate state in the iterative and cyclic procedure of sensemaking and invention. Insight could be a framework that needs to be created first in a person’s mind to draw the boundary of a problem and collect and understand information.

Hence, we conducted an extensive InfoVis literature review, specifically focusing on the following question: “How do people gain insight through InfoVis?” We reviewed 4 books, 2 book chapters, and 34 papers published in major venues in InfoVis. In order to consider the bigger picture, we initially focused on books and articles that survey the benefits of InfoVis, and latter reviewed case studies and evaluation studies to find some procedural aspects of insight.

In this section, we introduce four largely distinctive processes through which people gain insight while using an InfoVis system. ... The processes we have identified are: 1) Provide Overview, 2) Adjust, 3) Detect Pattern, and 4) Match Mental Model.

Provide Overview characterizes processes through which a person comes to understand the big picture of a dataset of interest. Even though observing an overview may not directly help a person gain insight, it appears to play an important role by helping people make sense of and find which areas they need to investigate more, thereby promoting further exploration of the dataset.

That is, Provide Overview allows people to grasp what they know and do not know, which areas are available for further investigation, and to what extent they could gain new knowledge from the dataset.

Adjust refers to a process through which people explore a dataset by adjusting the level of abstraction and/or the range of selection. Being able to flexibly change perspective on the dataset allows people to make sense of various aspects and test different hypotheses they have generated.

Selecting the range of a dataset to display by using a filtering interaction technique is a way to help explore a large amount of data.

Grouping is also an effective way to explore data by abstracting huge datasets into more manageable pieces. ... Through the process of grouping and aggregating, relevant information is gathered, simplified, organized, and labeled.

Detect Pattern means to find specific distributions, trends, frequencies, outliers, or structure in the dataset. ... A pattern itself could be an insight and further a person can cast a new questions and hypotheses by understanding patterns.

One of the benefits of InfoVis is that a visual representation of data can decrease the gap between the data and user’s mental model of it, thereby reducing cognitive load in understanding, amplifying human recognition of familiar presences, and linking the presented visual information with real-world knowledge.

Instead, these four different processes are intertwined and often used together to generate insights. For example, Provide Overview, as mentioned previously, often precedes further Adjust, and Adjust and Detect Pattern are often used together to gain deeper insight. This aspect clearly mirrors the cyclic and iterative characteristic of sensemaking.

More specifically, some of insights found in the literature are somewhat abstract and higher level, so that linking them with any of the categories is questionable.

Additionally, one of most important factors to help users gain insight might be the degree of users’ engagement into the dataset. ... The nature of data and users’ interests and background knowledge can also heavily affect the insight gaining procedure.

Usability seems to be another important aspect to promote the insight gaining process.

Clutter and occlusion are also examples of barriers for insight acquisition that need to be addressed. Sometimes too much data on a limited screen results in visual clutter and occlusion, which in turn diminishes the possibility of uncovering patterns and trends. Consequently, researchers have sought to reduce clutters in various ways [6].

2014年3月27日 星期四

Chang, R., Ziemkiewicz, C., Green, T. M., & Ribarsky, W. (2009). Defining insight for visual analytics. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 29(2), 14-17

Chang, R., Ziemkiewicz, C., Green, T. M., & Ribarsky, W. (2009). Defining insight for visual analytics. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 29(2), 14-17.

information visualization

許多研究都指出資訊視覺化的目的是提供洞悉(insight),例如 Card, Mackinlay and Shneiderman [1]與Thomas and Cook [2]。然而目前大多數對於洞悉的定義卻是莫衷一是,例如North便有兩種不同但相關的看法。North [3] 認為洞悉的特徵包含複雜(complex)、深入(deep)、質性(qualitative)、不可預期(unexpected)以及相關(relevant),這一類的看法與認知科學上的突發性洞悉(spontaneous insight)相近,將洞悉認為是靈光一現的剎那(a moment of enlightenment),也就是問題從不知道如何解決忽然轉移到知道如何解決的一個過程,並且這類的看法需要注意的是這類的問題解決的過程並非依循尋常的方式,而是在僵局下,透過微弱的語意網絡,忽然激發較不清楚地相關資訊,所產生的典範轉移(paradigm shift)。但North與其同事[5]也曾提出另一種關於洞悉的看法,他們將洞悉定義為參與者對於資料的一種個別觀察(an individual observation)以及是一個發現的單位(a unit of discovery),這種看法可以說是將洞悉視為是一種知識的進步(an advance of knowledge)或是一片段的資訊(a piece of information),這種看法認為視覺化能幫助知識的建構,例如Yi et al. [6]以意義建構理論(sense-making theories)為基礎將視覺化能產生的洞悉分為四個不同但彼此交疊的過程:提供全貌(provide overview)、調整(adjust)、偵測樣式(detect patterns)以及比對心智模式(match mental model)。

由於自發性的洞悉來自於語意知識(semantic knowledge)不可預期的重組(reconfiguration),要對一個問題產生自發性的洞悉必須具有相關知識。在另一方面,自發性的洞悉所引起的典範轉移(paradigm shifts)能夠讓人對於問題的瞭解產生新的結構與關係。因此,本研究認為這兩種看法在習得知識的循環上彼此相互支持,以Figure 2來表示。在僅有有限知識的一開始(0 to k1),使用者並無法產生自發性的洞悉。當知識逐漸增加後(k1 to k2),能夠產生自發性洞悉的可能性增加。最後(k2 to k3),愈多的知識能夠產生自發性洞悉的可能性愈增加,但趨勢逐漸減緩。所以,應提供一個環境讓兩種看法的洞悉都能發生。

Many have argued that providing insight is the main goal of information visualization. Stuart Card, Jock Mackinlay, and Ben Shneiderman declare that “the purpose of visualization is insight,” [1] while Jim Thomas and Kris Cook propose in Illuminating the Path that the purpose of visual analytics is to enable and discover insight [2].

For example, Chris North categorizes insight to be “complex, deep, qualitative, unexpected, and relevant,” [3] which overlaps with the neurological definition.

However, North and his colleagues also define insight as “an individual observation about the data by the participant, a unit of discovery,” [5] which does not bear any clear relation to the strict aha moment of cognitive science. Instead, it implies a focus on knowledge-building not found in the cognitive definition.

We suggest that what the visualization community defines as insight actually has two parallel meanings: a term equivalent to the cognitive science definition of insight as a moment of enlightenment, and a broader term to mean an advance in knowledge or a piece of information.

The cognitive science community has used the term insight “to name the process by which a problem solver suddenly moves from a state of not knowing how to solve a problem to a state of knowing how to solve it.” [8]

In this tradition, spontaneous insight is a type of problem solving and  differs from normal problem solving in several key ways.
First, spontaneous insight doesn't appear to  be facilitated by gradual learning heuristics such as bottom-up inductive reasoning.  In fact, researchers have observed that focused effort on normal problem solving often inhibits spontaneous insight. Spontaneous insight usually occurs when a person is in a relaxed state [9] (such as when taking a shower in the morning).
Second, whereas gradual problem solving requires no special inducement other than presenting someone with a problem, what precipitates spontaneous insight is still being discussed.  One commonly held theory is that spontaneous insight often occurs when a person tries to solve the problem in a habitual way, fails, momentarily becomes frustrated (perhaps owing to incorrect assumptions or some other cognitive fi xedness), mentally reorganizes the pieces of the puzzle (perhaps by breaking through a failed thought paradigm), and “suddenly” sees the solution. [8]
Finally, in normal problem solving the path taken to the solution is conscious and logically clear to the problem solver; however, participants who experience a spontaneous insight often can’t describe the thought process that led to it, [10] indicating that this insight occurs subconsciously and isn't a process that can be directly controlled, manipulated, or repeated.

This indicates that normal problem solving involves a narrow but continuous focus on information highly relevant to the problem at hand. ... . This suggests that spontaneous insight occurs through sudden activation of less clearly relevant information through weak semantic networks, which corresponds to a participant’s paradigm shift following an impasse.

These findings suggest that spontaneous insight is qualitatively different from everyday problem solving. It involves a unique pattern of neural activity that corresponds with the unique sensation of 
the “aha” moment that participants report.

Recently, Yi and his colleagues provided a comprehensive survey on information visualization literature that considered insight as a goal or a measurement [6]. On the basis of sense-making theories, they concluded that four distinct but intertwined processes in visualization can lead to insight: provide overview, adjust, detect patterns, and match mental model.

In the visualization community, researchers often talk about discovering insight, gaining insight, and providing insight. This implies that insight is a kind of substance, and is similar to the way knowledge and information are discussed.

In the cognitive science community, researchers more often discuss experiencing insight, having an insight, or a moment of insight. In this context, insight is an event.

On the basis of the cognitive definition of insight, this statement restricts visualization into considering only a specific mode of problem solving that produces results that, although measurable, aren't easy to track.

On the other hand, considering insight only as knowledge or information limits visualization’s potential to structured knowledge building and information display.

If spontaneous insight comes from the unexpected reconfiguration of semantic knowledge, [10] then relevant knowledge about a problem must be necessary for spontaneous insight to arise. ... Conversely, the major paradigm shifts associated with spontaneous insight can create new structures and relationships in a user’s understanding of a problem, which can then serve as the schematic structures needed for generating future knowledge-building insights.

Together, the two types of insight support each other in a loop that allows human learning to be both flexible and scalable.

As Figure 2 shows, when the user has only a limited amount of knowledge (0 to k1), spontaneous insight won’t likely occur.
As the amount of knowledge increases (k1 to k2), the probability of spontaneous insight increases sharply.
Finally, after a certain point (k2 to k3), further increase of knowledge increases the probability in only a limited fashion until it’s asymptotically close to a spontaneous insight occurring.
On the other hand, a reduction in the probability of gaining a spontaneous insight undoubtedly occurs, at least for a while, if the user is distracted from this freer knowledge association.
But whatever model is chosen, our main point is that spontaneous and knowledge-building insights should be considered distinct because the best approaches to gain one or the other are different.

For spontaneous insight, we can evaluate exploratory, “prequery” approaches that keep one “in the cognitive zone” or “in the flow,” and quantitatively identify when a spontaneous insight occurs through an EEG or fMRI.

For knowledge-building insight, we can evaluate detailed knowledge-gathering methods and look to appropriate user studies to measure how much knowledge a user gains.

Using these combined approaches, we can not only more accurately determine visualization tool’s effectiveness, but also provide cognitive scientists with more complex problem-solving artifacts (they have few available) and shed light onto how to promote the two types of insight through visualization tools to solve real-world problems.

2014年3月23日 星期日

Chen, M., Ebert, D., Hagen, H., Laramee, R. S., Van Liere, R., Ma, K. L., ... & Silver, D. (2009). Data, information, and knowledge in visualization. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 29(1), 12-19.

Chen, M., Ebert, D., Hagen, H., Laramee, R. S., Van Liere, R., Ma, K. L., ... & Silver, D. (2009). Data, information, and knowledge in visualization. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 29(1), 12-19.

information visualization

本研究從視覺化處理過程的觀點區分資料、資訊和知識,並且審視資訊和知識目前在視覺化科技發展上的作用,並建議應了解從資料轉化為資訊與知識的過程以及運用來強化未來的視覺化系統。作者利用兩種表示方式代表資料、資訊和知識: P 代表所有人類外顯與內隱的記憶,例如Pdata、Pinfo和 Pknow 分別代表有關資料、資訊和知識的人類記憶,並且PdataPPinfoP, and PknowP; C 代表所有電腦記憶的表示形式,同樣以 Cdata、Cinfo和  Cknow來表示有關資料、資訊和知識的電腦記憶。根據上述的表示方法,當人類從電腦資料(CdataCdata)中取得充分的資訊(PinfoPinfo)與知識(PknowPknow)而感到困難時,便需要進行資訊視覺化。典型的視覺化程序,如Figure. 1,將電腦資料Cdata經由視覺化技術處理轉化成圖像化的資料Cimage,便於有效能與有效率地獲取資訊(Pinfo)與知識(Pknow)。Figure 1圖上的表示控制資料Cctrl,包括使用者選擇用來探索資料的視覺化工具、呈現的樣式(style)、配置(layout)、觀看位置(viewing position)、顏色對應(color maps)與轉換(transfer)等功能,使用者可以透過這些控制資料將電腦資料轉換成他滿意的影像資料Cimage

根據這樣的概念,資訊視覺化乃是一種參數空間(parameter space)相當大的搜尋程序,並且由於分析的資料量愈來愈大以及愈來愈多的視覺化技術,造成視覺化搜尋的參數空間更加擴大。因此,利用資訊輔助(information-assisted)的視覺化系統被提出來,提供輸入資訊的相關資訊、視覺化程序與結果的屬性以及使用者知覺行為的特性,使用者能夠使用這些資訊來縮減控制參數的搜尋空間,使得互動更加具有效能。Figure 2表示利用資訊輔助的視覺化系統的概念。

使用者的知識是視覺化的過程中不可或缺的一個部分,知識輔助視覺化蒐集專家使用者的知識,學習最佳實務(the best practice)並且將這些知識模式化(model),發展與改進視覺化的架構,其目的即是包含不同使用者的領域知識並且降低使用者需要複雜技巧的負擔。Figure 3上的知識輔助視覺化系統便是使用規則式推論(rule-based reasoning)建立適合的控制參數集合來減少搜尋空間,然而這類系統的問題在於蒐集與完整的表達專家知識並不容易。

Figure 5則是利用案例式推論(case-based reasoning)的方式蒐集、處理與分析視覺化過程上的資料,從案例的成功與失敗、資料與控制參數之間的關連以及其他有關視覺化任務、工具和使用者的模式推算常用的方法與參數、最佳實務與最佳化策略等知識。

Researchers have attempted to clarify the taxonomy of terms used in the visualization community
(for example, in the work of Ed H. Chi [4], Ben Shneiderman, [5], and Melanie Tory and Torsten Möller [6]). However, the terms data, information, and knowledge remain ambiguous.

This article doesn't attempt to offer a different taxonomy for visualization. Instead, we differentiate these three terms from the perspective of visualization processes. Furthermore, we examine the current and future role of information and knowledge in the development of visualization technology.

Let P be the set of all possible explicit and implicit human memory. The former encompasses the memory of events, facts, and concepts, and the understanding of their meanings, context, and associations. The latter encompasses all non-conscious forms of memory, such as emotional responses, skills, and habits. [9] We can thus focus on three subsets of memory, PdataP, PinfoP, and PknowP, where Pdata, Pinfo, and Pknow are the sets of all possible explicit and implicit memory;about data, information, and knowledge, respectively.

Let C be the set of all possible representations in computer memory. Similarly, we can consider three subsets of representations, Cdata, Cinfo, and Cknow. ... A computer representation of visualization is also a form of visual data.

Figure 1 shows a typical visualization process, illustrating instances of data, information, and knowledge in both computational space and perceptual and cognitive space. Hence, the need for visualization is based on the difficulties humans face in acquiring a sufficient amount of information (PinfoPinfo) or knowledge (PknowPknow) directly from a data set (CdataCdata). The process of creating visualization is a function that maps from Cdata to the set of all imagery data, Cimage. It transforms a data set Cdata to a visual representation Cimage, which facilitates a more efficient and effective cognitive process for acquiring Pinfo and Pknow.

Given a data set Cdata, a user first makes decisions about which visualization tools to use for exploring the data set. The user then experiments with different controls, such as styles, layout, viewing position,
color maps, and transfer functions, until he or she obtains a satisfactory collection of visualization results, Cimage.

Depending on the visualization tasks, satisfaction can come in many forms. For example, the user may have obtained sufficient information or knowledge about the data set, or may have obtained the most appropriate illustration about the data to assist others in the knowledge acquisition process.

Such a visualization process is fundamentally the same as a typical search process, except that it is usually much more complex than plugging a few keywords into a search engine. In visualization,
the tools for the “search” tasks are usually application-specific (for example, network, flow, volume visualization). The parameter space for the “search” is normally huge (for example, exploring many viewing positions or trying out many different transfer functions). The user interaction for the “search” sometimes can be very slow, especially in handling very large data sets.

However, with the growing amount of data and increasing availability of different visualization techniques, the search space for a visualization process is also expanding. Like the Internet search problem, interactive visualization alone is no longer adequate.

Figure 2 illustrates an information-assisted visualization process. Some techniques use information captured in the visualization process to improve visualization efficiency and effectiveness.

In information-assisted visualization, the system provides the user with a second visualization pipeline (see Figure 2), which typically displays the information about the input data set. But it can also present attributes of the visualization process, the properties of the results, or characteristics of the user’s perceptual behaviors. The user uses such information to reduce the search space for optimal control parameters, hence making the interaction much more cost effective.

In a visualization process, the user’s knowledge is an indispensable part of visualization. ... Meanwhile, the lack of certain user knowledge is often a major obstacle in deploying visualization techniques. The user might not have received adequate training about how to specify transfer functions,
or might not have sufficient time or navigation skills to explore all possible viewing positions.

The objectives of knowledge-assisted visualization include sharing domain knowledge among different users and reducing the burden on users to acquire knowledge about complex visualization techniques. It also enables the visualization community to learn and model the best practice, so that powerful visualization infrastructures can develop and evolve.

If a visualization system could collect a large repository of such knowledge, it could then choose an appropriate transfer function based on the attributes of an input data set.

Figure 3 (page 18) shows a visualization pipeline supported by a knowledge base (Cknow), that stores knowledge representations captured from expert users. The system can use rule-based reasoning to establish an appropriate set, or several optional sets, of control parameters that can significantly reduce the search space, especially for inexperienced users. The system component for reasoning is commonly called an inference engine in knowledge-based systems (or expert systems).

The shortcomings of such a system include the difficulties in specifying comprehensively what knowledge to capture and the inconvenience of collecting knowledge from experts. This constrains the deployment of such a system to specific application domains.

An alternative approach is to establish a visualization infrastructure, where the system can systematically collect, process, and analyze data about visualization processes. Using case-based reasoning, it can infer knowledge from cases of successes and failures, common associations between data sets and control parameters, and many other patterns exhibited by visualization tasks, tools, users, and interactions. Such knowledge might include a popular approach, commonly used parameter sets, the best practice, an optimization strategy, and so forth.

Such an infrastructure is general purpose and can support multiple application domains. It can potentially enable applications to benefit from the best practice as well as software developed for other applications.

As a discipline, visualization has thrived on helping application users transfer data (Cdata) in
the computational space to information (Pinfo) and knowledge (Pknow) in the perceptual and cognitive space. As a discipline, we need infrastructures to collect data about visualization processes and to transfer this data to information and knowledge to further our understanding and enhance visualization technology.