本研究以引用分析對Journal of Documentation (J DOC) 進行評估,並且與JASIST和JIS進行比較。所使用的引用分析方法包括三個方面:以引用的參考文獻為主的期刊引用認同(journal citation identity)、以被引用的情形為主的期刊引證形象(journal citation image)和以出版品本身為主的國際化(internationalisation)。
期刊引證形象也包含兩種指標。第一種指標是新期刊擴散因素(new journal diffusion factor),此一指標分析該期刊時間範圍內每一篇論文平均被引用的期刊種類,代表該期刊的想法出口情形(export of ideas)、跨領域性(transdisciplinarity)以及專殊化(specialisation)程度。另一只標示該期刊的共被引期刊,根據共被引情形以及共被引期刊的期刊影響因素(Journal Impact factor)來加以描述。
各種分析方法與指標整理為Table 1。
首先,引用對被引用者比的結果如Figure 1。另外,1990到2003年的平均引用對被引用者比,JDOC為1.50,JASIST為1.88,JIS則為1.44。較低的引用對被引用者比表示引用的文獻裡重複的期刊較多種,代表這份期刊有較多元的科學基礎(scientific base)。從結果上看來,JDOC比JASIST的科學基礎多元性較高,但較JIS來得低。
JDOC比JASIST和JIS的文章有較高的比例是書評(boo review),這使得JDOC的參考文獻數較少,因為書評平均只有1.6到2筆參考文獻。
經常與JDOC共同引用的前十種期刊如Table 3所示。期刊共被引的相似度以Jaccard Similarity測量。
JDOC上論文作者的地區分布如Figure 10。主要的作者來自西歐地區,並逐漸增加。
引用JDOC論文的作者地區分布則如Figure 11。以北美地區的作者引用最多,但西歐地區則逐漸增加。
The Journal Citation Identity is a reference analysis. It is measured by looking into the referencing style of the publishing authors. What is their combined citations/(journal) citee-ratio? This means that the total number of references in the journal must be calculated, year-by-year or all years taken together. The result of this is divided with the number of different journals present in the set of references. If the set contains many different journals, the ratio will be lower. Consequently a low average signifies a greater diversity in the use of journals among the authors as part of their scientific base, and thus a wider horizon.
Self-citations are part of the Journal Citation Identity as well as the Journal Citation Image, depending on the perspective. ... They are indicators of the style of a journal. Many self-citations among the references may signify isolation of the journal in the scientific domain (high rate). A low rate of self-citations may indicate a high level of influence in the scientific community.
The Journal Citation Image is based on citation analyses of two types: the New Journal Diffusion Factor (N JDF) and journal co-citation analysis.
The New Journal Diffusion Factor was proposed by Frandsen, and is inspired by Rowlands’ diffusion factor. It measures breadth by number of citing journals per published article. N JDF is the average number of different journals that an average article is cited by within a given time window. The result of this tells about the scientific style and about breadth, export of ideas, transdisciplinarity and degree of specialisation of a journal. N JDF is tested for JDOC in a time perspective.
The Journal Citation Image “the White way” means to do a co-citation journal-by-journal analysis and interpret the result in a qualitative manner. It is thus a means to evaluate a journal by the journals co-cited with the journal in question. The co-cited journals are displayed in a list ranked by frequency of co-incidences, the number of citations for each co-cited journal taken into consideration by application of the jaccard calculations. Also the Journal Impact factor (JIF) is used to evaluate the co-cited journals. The co-cited journals then function as image-makers of the journal in question.
Internationalisation is measured by looking into the geographic locations of both publishing and cited authors of the JDOC.
A high citation/citee ratio means that the journal has many recited journals among its references. A low ratio signifies less journal re-citations and thus a greater diversity of journals as part of the scientific base and a wider horizon among authors.
Journal self-citations. Journal self-citations can be analysed from two perspectives, by self-citing rate and by self-cited rate. The first mentioned is part of the citation identity, the second one is part of the self-image, but the two types of self-citations are treated together here for practical reason.
The three journals all show decreasing self-citing rates during the years 1980–2003. This may signify a tendency towards less isolation of the field.
Journal self-citations. Journal self-citations can be analysed from two perspectives, by self-citing rate and by self-cited rate. The first mentioned is part of the citation identity, the second one is part of the self-image, but the two types of self-citations are treated together here for practical reason.
The three journals all show decreasing self-citing rates during the years 1980–2003. This may signify a tendency towards less isolation of the field.