本研究利用社會網絡分析、共現分析(co-occurrence analysis)、叢集分析和詞語的頻率分析等多種分析技術,從Scientometrics期刊1978到2004年發表的1927筆論文資料,探討科學家合作網絡的結構特性、整個網絡上的合作領域以及個別的合作網絡、合作網絡上的合作中心(collaborative center)。
過去的研究裡,Schubert (2002) 和 Dutt, Garg, & Bali (2003)都是針對國家間合作的巨觀層次。Kretschmer (2004) 認為巨觀和中觀(meso)層次的分析無法足夠地反映個人之間的合作趨勢,因此呼籲應在微觀層次的分析投注更多努力。
1927筆論文資料裡,單一作者的論文共有1052筆,所以仍稍占多數。作者數大於3的論文僅占非單一作者論文的13.71% (120/875),顯然研究Scientometrics的團隊規模都不大。發表3篇論文以及以上的高生產作者共計234人,其中有69.66%的作者曾發表與其他作者合作的論文。將這些作者間的合作關係表現成網絡,並利用Bibexcel對這個網絡上的節點進行叢集分析,共發現22個叢集。前兩個較大的叢集分別有15與14個科學家。網絡上最大的相連成分上共有15個叢集,共有合作經驗的高生產作者中的96位,占58.90%。合作網絡共有401條連結線,網絡密度為0.03,顯示Scientometrics領域的合作很鬆散。
The structure of scientific collaboration networks in scientometrics is investigated at the level of individuals by using bibliographic data of all papers published in the international journal Scientometrics retrieved from the Science Citation Index (SCI) of the years 1978–2004.
Combined analysis of social network analysis (SNA), co-occurrence analysis, cluster analysis and frequency analysis of words is explored to reveal: (1) The microstructure of the collaboration network on scientists’ aspects of scientometrics; (2) The major collaborative fields of the whole network and of different collaborative sub-networks; (3) The collaborative center of the collaboration network in scientometrics.
Schubert [8] and Dutt etc. [9] presented international collaboration characteristics in the scientometrics community itself, focusing on country aspects at macro level.
Kretschmer [6] appealed to devote more efforts to investigations at micro level in the future because the knowledge at meso and macro level does not yet adequately reflect the trends in cooperation between individuals.
The study is based on bibliographic data retrieved from the Web of Science. The data contains all types of documents published in Scientometrics during 1978 to 2004.
In this study we have adapted an integrated procedure of social network analysis (SNA), co-occurrence analysis, cluster analysis and frequency analysis of title words.
Bibexcel is designed as a tool for manipulating bibliographic data, which is a free online-software published by Persson. In the present study, Bibexcel is used to do cooccurrence analysis and cluster analysis.
Following the methods of Otte & Rousseau [11], White [13] and Kretschmer & Aguillo [12], SNA was applied to display the microstructure of collaboration networks in scientometrics with Pajek.
Moreover, we used frequency analysis of title words to display the main collaborative field of different sub-networks. The software for frequency analysis is demo version of Wordsmith Tools published by Oxford University Press and available online.
There were 1927 documents published in Scientometrics during 1978 to 2004 (see Table 1).

From Table 1, we found that the pattern of co-authorship was still dominated by single-authored papers as the conclusion drawn by Dutt etc. [9].
While the number of multi-authored papers (the number of co-authors is more than 3) accounts for 13.71% only, which indicates that team size in scientometrics is not large.
In order to show the main structure of the network, each author must published 3 papers or more to be included in this integrated analysis. This threshold resulted in a total of 234 prolific authors publishing 3 or more papers during 1978 to 2004, among them there are 163 authors published co-authorship papers, accounting for 69.66% of the prolific authors.

Based on cluster analysis embedded in Bibexcel, we gained 22 clusters circled by solid lines (see Figure 1). We identified these clusters as sub-networks in the field of scientometrics.
The largest subnetwork is number 1 that has 15 collaborators, and the second largest one is number 2, which has 14 collaborators, and so on.
We noticed that there was totally 15 subnetworks connected with each other composing the largest central component, which had 96 numbers accounting for 58.90% of the prolific authors published co-authorship papers.
Density is an indicator for the general level of connectedness of the graph. ... In the present study, there are totally 401 links in the network, so the density of the network is 0.03, which indicates that the collaborative network in the field of scientometrics is very loose.
So an author who has high degree centrality must has collaborated with many other authors, which means the author is a central collaborator of the whole network. In the present study, Glänzel who has 18 co-workers is the central author of the whole network.
We found a positive and significant correlation between output of authors and the centrality measures (r=0.648, 0.437, 0.338 respectively at the 0.01 level, see Table 4) after investigating the correlations between output and the three centralities of the 125 authors in the 22 sub-networks, which indicated that most of the prolific authors are also active in collaboration network in the field of scientometrics.
We have also presented the main collaborative field of different sub-networks in scientometrics and found that the two biggest sub-networks have the similar collaborative topic with slightly methodological difference. In addition, we found an interesting phenomenon that four sub-networks dealing with scientific collaboration didn't collaborate with each other except sub-network 3 and 12. Moreover, four subnetworks studying technology and science never collaborated with each other at all.