Campanario, J. M. (1995). Using neural networks to study networks of scientific journals. Scientometrics, 33(1), 23-40.
information visualization/self-organizing map
If one paper cites an earlier publication, they bear a conceptual relationship. The references given in a publication link that publication to previous knowledge. In the network context, information is reconceptualized in terms of social linkages and shared meanings. According to Small and Garfield(1985), citation indexes, showing millions of interconnections annually among hundreds of thousands of scientific articles and books, seem ideally suited for deriving natural maps of the scientific landscape.
The results of studies carried out with the above methodologies have been used to identify science maps (Small, Sweeney, and Greenle, 1985; Small, 1993), maps of disciplines (Garfield, 1986), research fronts (Dixon, 1989), scientific journal networks (Midorikawa, 1983; Pinski, 1977; Saito, 1990), epistemic and conceptual networks(Leydesdorff, 1991; van Raan and Tijssen, 1993), invisible colleges (Lievrouw, Rogers, Lowe, and Nadel, 1987) or author networks (McCain, 1986) and to establish the rank of journals in a given network (Doreian, 1987; Hummon and Doreian, 1989; Doreian, 1994; Bonitz, 1990).
Journals are a central institution of science because they are the primary formal channels for communicating theories, methods and empirical results to the readers of those journals (Rice, 1990).
Four sets of journal-to-journal citation data were used to apply Kohonen's map algorithm to the study of networks of scientific journals. ... Data are for citations among 19 chemical physics journals pooled for 1981 (data set I), 20 communication journals pooled from 1977 to 1985 (data set II), 11 sociology journals pooled from 1970 to 1970 (data set III) and for citations among 13 sociology journals from 1975 to 1976 (data set IV). Data sets III and
IV include data referring to the same journals (for different years) with some new journals added in data set IV. This makes it possible to compare the results of two different years that are made up of almost the same journals.
IV include data referring to the same journals (for different years) with some new journals added in data set IV. This makes it possible to compare the results of two different years that are made up of almost the same journals.
To perform the computations, each journal was coded as an n-component vector (n representing the number of journals in a given set). Each component of the vector is the number of citations given by each journal to each other journal. The input vectors were normalized to allow the algorithm to normalize the weights.
The figures show the distribution of relational space among the journals. Because of the mathematical formalism of the Kohonen maps, the most closely linked journals are located close to each other. In addition, domains occupied by the journals with a large number of self-citations tend to be greater.
Most of the multidimensional statistical methods use a symmetrical matrix of relations among cases to define a distance. However, the cross-citation matrix among journals is asymmetric, as noted earlier. This fact reflects the hierarchical structure of journal relationships: some journals are subordinate to others (Leydesdorff, 1986). This problem is sometimes overcome by computing some kind of correlation in order to obtain a symmetrical cross-citation matrix. However, this transformation causes the loss of the hierarchic quality of journal interrelations. This is manifested in the domain map in which, sometimes, a given journal activates more cells than other closely linked journals.