scientometrics/Business and Management
本研究利用MDS技術,將35種經濟學相關期刊依據它們在1986到1988年間的共被引關係映射到二維圖形上,並且以叢集分析(Ward's演算法)將它們歸類成若干群體,同時將叢集的結果繪製在圖形上。結果在二維圖形上共呈現出五個群體,包括1) 理論與複雜統計方法為主的經濟學期刊、2)有悠久歷史的一般性經濟學期刊、美國區域或全國性的經濟學期刊及大多數較新並且有特定主題的經濟學期刊、3)西歐觀點的經濟學期刊、4)Economic History Review 和Journal of Economic History等從社會與經濟脈絡了解歷史轉變的兩種經濟學期刊、5)討論政府在市場經濟中的特殊角色的公共財政期刊。並且可以發現映射到圖形右邊的期刊大多屬於理論與數學等量化研究導向的期刊,左方則是描述性、應用性和歷史性等質性研究導向的期刊。
In recent years, network studies using aggregate journal-to-journal citation data (counts of citations made and received within a set of journals) have focused on aspects of the organization and communication structure of the journal literature in fields such as economics (Eagly, 1975), geography (Gattrell & Smith, 1984; Doreian, 1988), psychology (Doreian, 1985), and communication science (Rice, Borgman, & Reeves, 1988).
Network analyses of journal-to-journal citation data have reported the existence of highly interconnected “cliques” of journals representing sub-disciplines (Rice, Borgman, & Reeves, 1988) and demonstrated the “structural equivalence” of journals having very similar patterns of receiving and/or sending citations (Doreian, 1985, 1988; Rice, Borgman, & Reeves, 1988).
Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling have been used to create two-dimensional maps of journal relationships in these cross-citation networks (Eagly, 1975; Gattrell & Smith, 1984; Rice, Borgman, & Reeves, 1988). Here, journals with similar patterns of receiving and/or sending citations are likely to be placed close together in the map and grouped by the clustering algorithm.
Author cocitation analysis uses the author’s cited oeuvre as the unit of analysis. Here the raw data are counts of the number of times any two authors are cited together in later works, irrespective of the contribution cited. ... The patterns of joint use of authors’ works over some specified time period, detected using cluster analysis, factor analysis, and multidimensional scaling, highlight major subject specializations in a field and point to authors who are central and peripheral within these specialties and within the field. The configuration of authors and author clusters in the two- or three-dimensional maps makes it possible to interpret the map’s axes.
The journal cocitation data are counts of all articles co-citing at least one article from each of two journals. ... The raw co-citation counts were assembled in a square matrix, the diagonal defined as missing data, and a correlation matrix generated. This matrix was analyzed using an agglomerative clustering routine (SPSV Cluster, Ward’s method) and multidimensional scaling (SPSSx ALSCAL).
Journals with many ties to others are placed near the center of the map by the mapping program; those representing more peripheral specialties and thus sharing few ties are placed nearer the map margins. ... The 35 journals fall fairly clearly into five identifiable clusters, with two isolated titles (Economic Development & Cultural Change and Kyklos) at this level of aggregation.
1) The label “Formal Economics” is intended to indicate their generally theoretical (as opposed to applied) orientation and relatively sophisticated statistical methods. Journals in this cluster that are closer to the center of the map are likely to have more “applied” research articles than those nearer the right-hand border.
2) The “core” of economics research is represented by the large central cluster. Here we find most of the prominent, established, prestigious general economics journals, the major North American regional and national journals, and most of the newer, subject-specialized journals. There are several identifiable sub-clusters of journals within this larger aggregation, including those with a “macroeconomics/monetary economics” orientation, journals focusing on applications of economic theory and econometric models, and a “public economics” grouping.
3) The cluster labeled “Western European Point of View” is dominated by British and European journals.
4) Two journals, Economic History Review and Journal of Economic History, report research focusing on “the understanding of historical change in an economic and social context.
5) Public finance research is concerned with the special role of government in the market economy, including the incidence of taxation, government purchases, the supply of public goods, and related topics.
The “applied vs theory” dimension of economics research is clearly supported in the co-citation map as a more general “quantitative vs qualitative methodology” dimension. ... Within the “Western European” cluster, journals with a more theoretical or mathematical orientation (European Economic Review and Economic Journal) are to the right of those publishing a higher proportion of descriptive, applied, or historical research.